Understanding Ceramic Properties

Caldera uses a variety of ceramics for their erosion and corrosion resistant attributes. Using ceramics can be advantageous, but like any material they have their weaknesses. Due to the innate hardness of ceramics they are susceptible to brittle fracture. Caldera strives to exploit the benefits of ceramics while minimizing probability of fracture.
Ceramic Research
Fracture mechanics, the science of how brittle materials fail, helps us understand the performance of ceramics in severe service environments. We use disciplines such as fractography, the art of looking at and deciphering fracture patterns, to help determine the source of a failure. Strength, erosion, and thermal testing is also used to verify ceramic properties.
Applied Science for Improved Ceramic Application
Caldera incorporates solid mechanics, the science of stress analysis and stress fields, to understand the loads placed on ceramics. Our technical staff utilizes finite element analysis to determine mechanical and thermal loads associated with part manufacture and operation. This allows Caldera to maximize part life. These analytical capabilities have been developed to provide customers with superior equipment.
To put Caldera’s expert knowledge of ceramics to work for you, call us at +1 801-356-2862.
Email us, and one of our engineers will review your questions and concerns and get back to you within 24 hours. Contact us here.