Our Philosophy and Guiding Principles

Caldera Engineering is dedicated to providing the most cost-effective and reliable solutions for severe service applications. Several principles guide Caldera’s efforts, and support our philosophy in serving our customers.
Time On Site
Caldera engineers spend considerable time at customer sites. We invest time with customer teams reviewing equipment and discussing operating processes in order to find the best solutions. This time on site allows us to provide solutions and parts that are specific to customer needs.
Responsiveness and Customer-driven Design
Many Caldera design improvements are responses to specific operator concerns. With a foundation of regular site visits, Caldera is able to respond quickly to customer service needs and implement key design changes. With Caldera as a dedicated partner, our customers have somewhere to turn for custom solutions.
Innovative Designs for Longer Service Life
Caldera designs and develops ceramic angle valves and other severe service parts for longer service life. Caldera invests significant resources in developing models, materials, designs, and personnel to innovate solutions that lead to lower maintenance costs and fewer unplanned shutdowns.
Caldera Advances to Meet Industry Needs
Caldera is committed to solving industry challenges. As processes become more demanding Caldera relentlessly seeks to provide exceptional value through innovative technical solutions and outstanding support.
If you have any questions about how we can help with your processing challenges please call us at +1 801-356-2862.
Email us and one of our engineers will review your questions and concerns and get back to you within 24-hours. Contact us here.